We are a grassroots organization – so we need active and committed Republicans to serve as precinct officers. Under Montana law, Republican voters of each precinct may elect one male and one female precinct officer. If you’re interested, we’d ask that you please step forward and help serve the Party in this capacity. Thank you!
Generally, there are two or three county conventions every two years which Precinct Delegates must attend.
The election of Republican candidates, electing their County Party Officers who serve on the State Central Committee, who develop the Party Platform, and elect the State Party Officers.
The election of Republican candidates, electing their County Party Officers who serve on the State Central Committee, who develop the Party Platform, and elect the State Party Officers.
Download application and email it to chair@gallatinrepublicans.com.
Paid for by Gallatin County Republican Chair Committee. Treasurer, Debbie Moran PO Box 2005 Bozeman, MT 59771-2005